Clarkson Honors

Student Website

This website provides information and utilities for students concerning the student-run portions of the Clarkson University Honors Program. It has information on the Steering Board, the submission form for service hours, links to documentation relating to the Honors Program, and the textbook exchange.

Honors student government is a wonderful opportunity to influence the administration and direction of the program. Representatives are elected from each class to serve on the general Steering Board, and others are chosen and elected to sit on the subcommittees: Service, Ambassadors, Integrators, Diversity and Inclusion, Mentorship, Activities, and Webmasters.

Contact information for members of the Steering Board and it's subcommittees can be found on the Steering Board Page. Questions and feedback on Honors student governance in general should go to the Steering Board.

If you experience any technical difficulties, please contact the Honors Webmasters by email or